First, came the E1DA COSMOS ADC that brought to the masses who were willing to deal with the well, usability issues, very close to the power of the 'big-dogs' like Audio Precision to the home audio lab.
----- Then, came the APU (Audio Processing Unit), that added an analog 1khz/10khz notch filter to get THD and THD+N measurements even closer to those big dogs. ----- Finally, now the Euphonic Review lab has the EIDA COSMOS SCALER, which is a buffer and scaler that will further refine our in lab measurements. ----- I have read from a reputable source that we are talking about accuracy and quality of measurement somewhere between the Audio Precision SYS27XX and APx555, with the addition of the this new auto-scaler with a high enough impedance to accurately measure pretty much any DAC on the planet, is probably closer to the APx555 in performance!!! Not in features, mind you. The Euphonic Review lab will be limited in features, but what features we DO have we consider very, very useful and more than anyone making purchasing decisions really needs. The GREATER point is, that as good as our measurements have been so far, with the addition of this new Scaler, we will be on an accuracy level that competes with anyone. You name it. Online or magazine. I know that is a big statement, but the reality is just finally here that the hardware has trickled down to the 'little guys' and there is no more monopoly on state-of-the-art audio measurements. But measurements have NEVER been the primary source of pride here at Euphonic Review. Our source of pride has always been our HONEST reviews. And what we believe to be excellent 'audiophile' ears to go with it. That is an explosive combination, and combined now with impeccable measurement equipment, we think that explosive combination should be going BOOM at any time. We may be the new kids on the block, but we think we have a helluva lot to offer. Thanks, so many thanks to those who have read from the beginning, suffered through our growing pains (which will surely continue as running a webpage ain't easy), and endured and hopefully enjoyed. Here's to the rest of 2023 AND to an explosive 2024!